Thursday, June 21, 2007

Updates are coming

I've been slightly distracted by trying to form a company, so bear with me. In the meantime let's spare a thought for usability, notably Greg Papadopoulos' thoughts on usability. This one had me scratching my head. Why are Sun trying to position themselves as a usability company? I last saw anything with a Sun GUI on it in 1996. I'm sure someone somewhere still uses CDE but they're about as relevant as OS/2 users.

Papadopoulos's point appears to be revving up the old network computer/smart device thing that Sun have repeatedly tried to claim as their territory. For those of us with experience of the mobile industry this has been a legacy of seven years of ever-worsening fragmentation between Java implementations and multiple JSRs. Put bluntly: Sun has done an awful job of maintaining usability across Java, so why should we believe their tired claims about network computers?

If I was Sun I'd be very worried: the smart client work is moving to web browsers and Sun doesn't have a web browser, or any part of the LAMP (or LAMR) stack, come to think of it. Java will probably find a happy niche as another legacy enterprise programming environment (like C++ was before Java took over), but it's very hard to see how they'll make money out of it.

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