I was wrong below. Painful that, but true. Sorry Nokia! Nokia's implementation of the onchange event is entirely correct according to the W3C's recommendations. The best summary is from
this working group note on DOM Level 3, but it's essentially unchanged since the HTML 4 spec:
change- A control loses the input focus and its value has been modified since gaining focus.
Now what's odd about that is that virtually no browser actually implements the change event that way: select drop-downs wouldn't be able to react when you release them (because technically they still have focus - or does that count as losing focus even though the element is still selected?) and autocomplete wouldn't work so nicely. Having said that it looks like both Google and script.aculo.us do a certain amount of trickery to ensure that they get the content of the text box. Google's autocomplete script appears to throw focus on and off of the element with keypresses (appears to, the Google obfuscated Javascript is very hard to follow) while scriptaculous adds a keypress event listener. I'm going to go off and try that but I'm not hopeful as the Symbian input method editor (IME - new jargon learned today!) seems to block all key events and only recognises onclick.
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